We work with communities that want to build an economy that benefits the whole of the community and creates lasting value and prosperity. From small-scale placemaking projects to regional economic development collaboratives, we help communities develop locally-rooted strategies that build upon and enhance their place-based assets while addressing key needs and challenges. We’re currently focused on the following areas of opportunity for communities in the American West.
A growing number of communities have realized the power of investing in local assets to create great places. Our own research, the Place Value study, found that building a strong economy starts with creating a great community where people want to live and work.
As work becomes more mobile, people and businesses are choosing to be in places that offer a high quality of life, which opens up opportunities for all kinds of communities to create jobs and attract talent. That’s why communities that invest in great downtowns, access to parks and recreation, arts and culture, and other amenities are finding economic success, while improving the community for residents and businesses.
Shifting to a place-based economic strategy is a start, but it’s not enough. A truly healthy economy has ample opportunities for all people to thrive. Right now, most local economies—including many that seem strong from the outside—leave too many hard-working people behind. This reality isn’t just holding them back—it creates a significant barrier to building a diverse and resilient local economy.
In response to growing economic inequality at the national level, many communities are working to expand opportunities for more people to start and grow businesses and to create real wealth at the local level. This includes a growing number of strategies designed to spur innovation and entrepreneurship. Going further, the Community Wealth Building field encompasses a wide range of strategies designed to broaden ownership of assets and capital so more people can thrive as their communities succeed.